Benefit Funds


Employer checklist for Registration

Employee checklist for Registration


Sick, Accident and Maternity Pay Fund

Application for Death and Fun Benefit Deceased Member Final

Application for Death and Fun Benefit Deceased Dependant Final

The Objectives of the Fund:

  1. to assist members who suffer losses of wages or salary through absenteeism resulting from incapacity due to accident or sickness;
  2. to assist female members who suffer losses of wages through absenteeism resulting from their pregnancy;

Qualification for Benefits

13 consecutive weeks’ contributions.

Benefits – Per annum

Sick Pay - Non–unions and NUMSA members rules apply, 75% of the member's ordinary daily remuneration up to a maximum of 15 days

MISA members, 100% of the members ordinary daily remuneration up to a maximum of 10 days and 50% for the additional 5 days

Accident Pay - 75% of the member's ordinary daily remuneration up to a maximum of 40 days;

Maternity Pay - 30% of the member's ordinary daily remuneration up to a maximum of 17 weeks


ApplicationsClaimsPolicies and Rules
Application for Membership Claim form Sick and accident fund 

Claim form Additional holiday pay

Claim form Maternity benefit pay 

SAF Maternity Rules


Benefit Funds - Additional Holiday Pay Fund

The contributions to this holiday bonus scheme are payable by all establishments in respect of those employees listed hereunder:

Claim form Additional holiday pay


Formula and Examples for Calculation of Leave Pay

In order to correctly calculate leave pay it is necessary, where applicable, to convert monthly salary to a weekly rate.

  • Conversion from monthly salary to weekly


    Monthly salary x 12 = weekly

    Monthly salary = R2000-00
    R2000-00 x 12 = R461-54 per week

  • Calculation of accrued leave pay

    No. of weeks worked x No. of weeks’ leave per annum x weekly wage

Example 1

Employee is owed leave pay from 4.1.99 to 2.7.99 = 26 weeks
Qualifies for three weeks per annum.
Earns R450-00 per week.
26 x 3 x R450-00 = R675-00

Example 2

Employee is owed leave pay from 4.1.99 to 2.7.99 = 26 weeks
Qualifies for four weeks per annum.
Earns R450-00 per week.
26 x 4 x R450-00 = R900-00

NOTE – In the case of motor vehicle and service supply salesmen weekly earnings must include average commission earned over the period for which leave pay is owed. This also applies when they proceed on annual leave.

Various Provident Funds

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